I love networking. I hate networking. I like people, I like meeting people. I like finding out about the people I meet.
What I hate is the ‘what do you do’ bit. I’m a designer, of many years experience and have specialised in a number of different areas over the years. My umbrella – catch-all is ‘Graphic Designer’, but I am also an information designer, book designer, journal designer, logo designer, website designer, branding developer, illustrator, typographer… it goes on. So when I meet someone who says ‘what do you do’ – which by the way is a new ‘no-no’ to the networking elite, I want to say ‘right brain for hire’ or ‘geek translator for my clients customers’, or even ‘design slash creative consultant’ (and add a couple more zero’s) – but then do I sound like I should have a small goatee on my chin and live in a shepherds hut on Hackney Marshes…
It’s tricky. The mantra of ‘authenticity’ means that we should be upfront and honest – be ‘real’. I really am a designer, and I really like to have a varied work life and be as useful to my clients as I can, so add any prefix that suits you, for whatever project you have for me today – logo designer, website designer, brochure design, PowerPoint tamer…